Lack of Balance


“Most of us need balance in the large issues of our lives, things like landscape, architecture, diet and relationships. Perhaps we look to art and design in the same way we enjoy a roller coaster ride—an opportunity to temporarily suspend our sense of balance in a controlled situation. We know the ride will end, and we know we can turn away from the painting if the lack of stability becomes threatening.”

Design Language, Tim McCreight

Beauty and the Artist


“Some historical periods have defined the artist’s job as the creation of beauty. Others see the artist as capturing rather than creating beauty and others think the arts should be no more concerned with beauty than anything else.”

Design Language by Tim McCreight

Dreamin’ Ain’t Easy

Standing stone at Stonehenge

All my life I dreamed of standing in the stone circle at Stonehenge. This year, that dream came true.

My friend, Devon Monk, and I have a twice-a-week writing date at the local university library. I’m working on Good Bones: the Elements and Principles of Design for Jewelry Makers. She’s working her next novel series. We go to the library to get away from the distractions at home that provide lots of opportunities to procrastinate.

Working with a buddy is good for guilt, too. When I’m staring out the window and she’s typing like mad, I begin to feel like a slacker. So I start typing again, Continue reading